Friendship Day
Organized as a lunchtime event at the Brisbane Botanic Garden in late June each year for clubs to hear a guest speaker, participate in the Wendy Wragge and share lunch time conversations..
Date Claim June 25 Wednesday Friendship Day 2025
The competition takes the form of a written trivial pursuit questionnaire on gardening issues. Attendees bring a plate of food to share for lunch which finishes the function.
Provides a method of networking clubs so they can share experiences in running clubs and discussing gardening issues.
Please encourage your club to attend this function.
Friendship Day Wednesday 28th June 2023
Friendship Day some old photos to enjoy
Aspley Garden Club Members 2012

Audience at Friendship Day Wide Shot 2012

Chermside Garden Group 2011

Green Park Garden Club 2012

Logan City Garden Club Members 2012

Logan Village Club Members 2011

Members Listening 6-12-2011

Mt Gravatt Garden Club Members 2012

Nambour Garden Club Members 2011

Noel Prior and J Costin Raffle 2011

Northern District Horticultural Society 2012

Ormeau District Garden Club 2012

Emeritus Professor Roly Sussex 2012

The Gap Garden Club Members 2012

The Head Table 2012

Friendship Day 2022
Great attendance over 120 participants

Speaker Ashley Pringle, State Emergency Service and Tom Baster

Phil Adam President reading out the questions.

Raffle Prizes. Thanks for the support

Anne Baster Checking the Wendy Wragge

Peter Starkey Camellia Society with Wendy Wragge trophy

Wendy Wragge winner Peter Starkey with Phil Adam

Trish showing the first prize

Wide shot of contestants June 2022

Bev Mulcahy and Ruth Kimber Logan City Garden Club

Delwyn Hallet presenting to Denny Barry Mt Mee Garden Club

Springdale Garden Club, Ruth Lawrence, Gwen Sinden, Kathy Graham and Anne Baster at back.

Carol Tanks, Secretary Kenmore Garden Club

Long time Judge Meg Morrow and Noel Prior past pres QCGC

Judy Howell, President, Clayfield Garden Club

Tewantin Garden Club

Dulcie vice president Dorothy treasurer and Bill newsletter

Friendship Day 2023
Tom Hayes(Vice President) and Robin Bauer(Artist/Speaker) Friendship Day 28th June 2023

Our guest speaker Robin Bauer gave a very interesting talk about her life work in Art. Pictured with our President Phil Adam.

Phl Adams (President) introducing Robin Bauer.( Artist)
Tom Hayes (VP) Dale Arvidsson (Curator) Robin Bauer(Speaker) and Anne Baster (QCGC Secretary)

3 Great to see.back to normal crowd levels after years of COVID.

Delwyn Hallett sold many Raffle tickets to all the enthusiastic Visitors.

There were colourful Plants, Books and Garden Products for Raffle prizes.

The competition for the Wendy Wragge Trophy was closely contested with The Gap and Mt Gravatt Garden Clubs tying on 29 points out of 36. Pictured with President of Q. C. G. C. Phil Adam.

There were two lucky door prizes. Won by Joy Morgan, President of Kenmore Garden Club.

Dorothy Tyrell Treasurer QCGC

What a collection of good food for attendee Friendship Day 2023

There was plenty of food enjoyed by all, and plenty left over for seconds. From left to right: Lesley Peters, Janelle Winterflood, Sheree Shannon, Pam Rose, and Lyn Brown.

Forest Lake Garden Club was represented by: Sandy Scaroni, and Jill Nason.

Members of the Clayfield Ascot Garden Club from left: Bernadette Knight, Liz Davis,Colleen Hill and Greg Cox.

The First raffle prize of many, a beautiful Mandevilla was won by Cecilia Payton from Redlands Horticultural Society Inc.

Wendy Wragg winners introduced by Phil Adams
Mt Gravatt Garden Club

And Dorothy Tyrrell from Northern Districts Horticultural Society.

7 Ted O;Donnell Jane O'Donell (Roselovers) and Heather Prior OAM (Floral Art)

Friendship Day 2024
Friendship Day 26 June 2024 Outside of Auditorium at 9:30 am
Tremendous response. Over 150 attendees from 33 clubs
Dale Arvidsson (Curator) talked about the updates to the Brisbane Botanic Gardens.
Welcome to Arno King outside the Auditorium

Landscape architect Arno King talked about Singapore's Gardens.
Our Guest Speaker for the day was Arno King who always gives a very interesting talk and was presented with a beautiful bowl of Fruit by Vice President Tom Hayes.

Phil and Dulcie Adam checking the Wendy Wragg details
Delwyn Hallet organised the raffles
What a Collection of Plants for the raffle

The Wendy Wragge winning team - Mt Gravatt Garden Club with Arno King Val Portley, Denise Sixsmith (President), Arno King, Jan Costin, Barbara Messinbird, Sandra Thomas and Ken Dixon.

Phil presenting the Wendy Wragge trophy to the Mt Gravatt Garden Club - Denise Sixsmith and Jan Costin

The Wendy Wragge Trophy was won by Mt Gravatt Garden Club and accepted from QCGC President Phil Adam by President Denise Sixsmith, and Jan Costin.

L to R: Part of the Mt Gravatt Garden Club team -
Val Portley, Denise Sixsmith, Roslyn and Ken Dixon

The other members of the Mt Gravatt Garden Club team
L to R. Sandra Thomas, Barbara Messinbird and Jan Costin

There were many beautiful Raffle Prizes. Committee Member Sheree Shannon is pictured below with just a few.

John and Sue Keays from Roselovers Association

Happy Guests were Members of the Oxley and District Garden Club Inc. Back Row from left: Lyn Brown, Shirley Brann, Christine Meston, and Pam Kelly. Front Row: Lorelle Palaszczuk, Vivienne Dixon and Kathryn Tofoni.

The Albany Creek Garden Club was well represented by Lesley Campbell,Jean Johnson, Secretary,Dulcie Adam, President and Louise Lester.

The first Raffle Prize Winner was Patricia Nicolson from Redlands Horticultural Society Inc.

The Second Prize Winner Below was Carol Egan from Mt Mee Garden Club.
